i post "balloon" as first,
'cause it's the last one he does...

...but "
dear rainbow" is my favourite.

this one is called "
birdcage" and it was made
for claudia's brand new home.

just before" is dedicated to me... what an honour!

and "
vicious circle"... an 8 pieces series:




max. he's my hubby. he's the sweet father of my little son.
he's such a great art director working (hard!) for an adv agency,
probabily the best one in milan... and in italy.
he also likes to express himself in this graphic way, let's say.
i really appreciate his stuff that's why i guess i can add them into my blog...
i mean, he deserve it! ;)
davide is dreaming" is a series dedicated to davide...
i've already post it sometimes ago.
